

  • Libre
  • Web

Lo-Dash is a JavaScript library that provides utility functions for common programming tasks such as objects manipulation, iteration, and manipulation of arrays, collections and other data structures. It was designed to provide a more efficient and feature-rich alternative to the popular library, Underscore.js. Lo-Dash provides utility functions such as mapping, sorting, and filtering of data, as well as functions for manipulating objects, arrays, and functions. It also provides support for asynchronous programming, allowing users to create and execute asynchronous tasks, as well as use Promises (a JavaScript-based programming language) to handle asynchronous data. Lo-Dash also features built-in support for AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) modules, enabling code to be loaded in a modularized way. Lo-Dash is available for both the browser and Node.js, and is compatible with all modern web browsers. It is an open source project and is available under an MIT license.

Development software and applications
