

  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Android

Liwi is a file sharing application and software designed to make sharing and collaborating with others simpler and easier. With Liwi, users can securely share files and documents with anyone, anywhere, and on any device. Liwi ensures that all files are encrypted and stored securely in the cloud, with an added layer of protection for sensitive information. The application also features a powerful document editor and annotation tools, allowing users to easily collaborate on files in real-time. Additionally, users can easily manage the permissions of their shared files, setting access levels for different users and groups. Liwi also offers a range of integrations with popular cloud storage services, allowing users to connect their existing accounts to the application and access their files from within. Through its intuitive interface and powerful features, Liwi makes it easy for users to securely share and collaborate on files with others.

File sharing applications and software Network and administration applications Video and movie applications
