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LaTeXML is an open-source software project designed to convert LaTeX documents into XML/HTML, MathML, and ePub formats. It is written in Perl and can be used to process documents written in LaTeX, a typesetting language commonly used to create scientific documents. LaTeXML provides an automated way to convert documents into HTML, MathML, and ePub formats. It also provides a powerful API for developers to customize and extend the conversion process. LaTeXML can be used to create electronic books, web pages, and other documents. It can also be used to create interactive documents with dynamic content, such as animations and interactive diagrams. LaTeXML supports a wide range of LaTeX packages, such as Tikz and PGF, allowing users to create complex documents with ease. Finally, LaTeXML supports a variety of output formats, making it easy to collaborate with others who may not use LaTeX.

Development software and applications
