

  • Libre
  • Self-Hosted

Koseven is an open-source PHP-based web application framework designed to help developers quickly and easily create robust web applications and websites. It provides developers with an intuitive, collaborative framework for creating and managing websites and applications. Koseven is based on the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, and its goal is to help developers create secure, streamlined and maintainable web applications. Koseven is designed to be easily extensible, allowing developers to create custom modules and plugins to extend the functionality of their applications. It also provides a comprehensive set of core components that can be used to develop a wide range of applications from simple websites to complex multi-user applications. Koseven is lightweight and fast, making it ideal for developing applications that need to respond quickly to user requests. It also provides a built-in security system that helps protect applications against malicious attacks. Additionally, Koseven supports a wide range of databases, including MySQL and PostgreSQL.

Development software and applications
