Kero Blaster is a retro-style side-scrolling action platformer game developed and published by Studio Pixel. The game follows the story of a small frog-like creature named Kero, who works for a company called "C&F Inc." Kero's mission is to travel across the world fighting off strange creatures and bosses in order to restore the company's teleporters to their original state. Kero Blaster has a classic 8-bit art style and sound design, creating a nostalgic experience for old-school gamers. The game has simple and intuitive controls, allowing players to focus on the action. Players must make their way through various levels and landscapes, collecting coins and power-ups along the way. The game also features boss fights and special weapons that can be acquired throughout the game. Kero Blaster is available for PC, iOS, and Android devices.
Discontinued Joyride Labs is no longer working on the project and its official website is no longer available. The latest version of the game, 1.0.1, released in February 2015, can still be downloaded from GitHub.