

  • Libre
  • Linux

KDocker is an application that allows users to manage and access their Docker containers on the internet. It is designed to make it easy to interact with and manage your Docker containers, both locally and remotely. KDocker enables users to deploy, manage, and maintain Docker containers on any cloud platform, including AWS, Google Cloud, DigitalOcean, and more. With KDocker, users can quickly and easily deploy and manage their Docker containers without needing to install and install the Docker application manually. KDocker also provides users with a graphical user interface that allows them to easily configure, manage, and monitor their Docker containers. It provides users with a range of features such as creating and managing Docker images, setting up networks and volumes, and more. Additionally, it includes features such as logging, monitoring, and alerting for monitoring and managing Docker containers in real-time. Overall, KDocker is an easy-to-use application that makes it easy to deploy, manage, and maintain Docker containers on any cloud platform.

