

  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux

Kangee is a cloud-based file sharing application and software designed to make sharing large files, documents, and media faster and easier than ever. It allows users to securely store, share, and collaborate on files from anywhere and any device. Kangee provides an intuitive user interface, allowing users to quickly find, access, and share documents, images, and other files. It also allows users to securely share files with external users outside of their organization, as well as with other users within their organization. Additionally, Kangee provides powerful tools for streamlining collaboration and managing user permissions. These tools include version control, file locking, and granular user access control. Kangee is accessible through web browsers, mobile apps, and desktop clients, making it a convenient, easy to use solution for users to securely access their files and collaborate with others.

File sharing applications and software
