Interview Mocha


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Interview Mocha is an online assessment platform for skill-based hiring. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools for employers to assess job applicants’ technical and behavioral skills. With Interview Mocha, recruiters can create custom assessments, create tests from a library of pre-made assessment items, and get detailed reports on the performance of each applicant. Interview Mocha also offers an AI-powered assessment system that uses machine learning to evaluate a candidate’s fit for a role. This system helps recruiters save time by quickly assessing a large pool of applicants in order to focus on those who are the most qualified. Interview Mocha also provides a range of features to support the recruitment process, such as automated filtering and screening, automated scheduling of interviews, automated reference checks, and automated offer letters. The platform also helps employers to create a branded recruiting experience, build employer brand, and find talent in niche markets.

Development software and applications
