

  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux

Impro-Visor is a music composition, improvisation, and learning software application developed by Robert Duke. It was designed to assist jazz musicians in learning and improving their improvisation skills by providing them with an interactive environment in which they can practice and play with various musical ideas. Impro-Visor has a graphical user interface which allows users to create their own music and improvisation exercises, as well as providing them with a range of pre-composed exercises for practice. Impro-Visor also includes a notation editor, a playback function, and the ability to import and export MIDI files. The application also includes a range of tools for analyzing harmonies, chord progressions, and jazz solos, as well as providing users with the ability to customize their own virtual instruments and sounds. Impro-Visor is available for Mac and Windows computers, as well as iOS and Android devices.

Audio and music applications
