IconPackager is a Windows-based software application that allows users to customize their desktop icons, cursors, and program files quickly and easily. It is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, allowing users to customize their Windows desktop with hundreds of different icon packages. With IconPackager, users can easily change the entire look and feel of their desktop, from changing the icons to changing the colors, fonts, and backgrounds. IconPackager also has options for customizing the taskbar, start menu, and other Windows features. It is a great way to quickly and easily give your Windows desktop a unique look.
Discontinued See note on the website: "Since we are not sure about the long-term future of changing the system icons, we are not comfortable charging money for CandyBar, and we are not comfortable simply making it go away, so instead, we are going to make the current CandyBar free, but not compatible." https://panic.com/blog/candybar-mountain-lion-and-beyond/