ICE Book Reader Professional


  • Libre
  • Windows

ICE Book Reader Professional is a comprehensive book reading and management software program designed to offer readers a comprehensive and user-friendly experience. This versatile app is suitable for both professional and recreational readers, offering the ability to read books in multiple formats (including eBooks, PDFs, DOCX, HTML, RTF, and TXT) across multiple platforms (PC, Mac, iOS, and Android). The app features a simple and easy-to-navigate interface, allowing users to quickly search for and find books from a variety of sources. Users can also easily customize the look and feel of their reading experience, as well as access a variety of font settings and text-to-speech options. Advanced features like annotation and bookmarking, detailed book statistics, and support for audio books are also included. Overall, ICE Book Reader Professional is an intuitive and comprehensive book reading and management app, designed to offer users an enjoyable and hassle-free experience when reading books on the go.

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