Hitch Radio


  • Libre
  • Android

Hitch Radio is an innovative audio and music streaming application designed for users who are looking for a personalized and interactive experience. With Hitch Radio, users can discover new music based on their preferences, listen to their favorite songs, follow their favorite artists, and create and share their own custom playlists. Hitch Radio also offers a unique radio-style streaming experience, allowing users to listen to a continuous stream of songs based on their music tastes and interests. The application also includes a variety of features such as a Discovery feature that allows users to discover and explore new music, a "My Music" section to manage their favorite songs, and a "My Playlists" section to create and share custom playlists. The application also provides users with the ability to listen to music offline, as well as follow their favorite artists and get notifications when new music is available. The Hitch Radio app is available for both iOS and Android devices.

Audio and music applications Social and communication
