Hard Disk Scrubber


  • Libre
  • Windows

Hard Disk Scrubber is an application or website designed to securely erase data from a computer's hard drive. It can be used to completely erase confidential information, or to get rid of unwanted files, or to prepare a hard drive for disposal or resale. Hard Disk Scrubber overwrites data on the hard drive with random data to make it unrecoverable, thus protecting the user’s privacy. It can also be used to securely delete a specific file, or a set of files, from the hard drive. The software can be configured to use different levels of scrubbing, ranging from a single pass of random data to up to 35 passes. It is important to note that the more passes used, the slower the scrubbing process, but the greater the security. Hard Disk Scrubber can also be used to clean up unused space on a hard drive, which helps to prevent deleted files from being recovered by malicious users.

Security and privacy applications
