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Handlebars is an open-source, minimalistic web-based templating language used to create dynamic webpages and web applications. It is similar to other web-templating languages like Mustache and allows developers to easily structure HTML code, create templated views, and quickly build powerful webpages and applications. Handlebars is designed to be intuitive and straightforward, with a straightforward syntax and a “logic-less” approach to templating. This allows developers to quickly create templates without having to learn a complex syntax. Handlebars also makes it easy to create dynamic content with the use of helpers and partials, which allow developers to create reusable code snippets. Handlebars is widely used in JavaScript-based web applications and frameworks such as Ember, Backbone, and Angular. It can also be used with server-side languages such as Node.js and PHP. With its simple syntax and wide range of features, Handlebars is a popular choice for web developers looking to create powerful, dynamic webpages and applications.

Development software and applications
