Google Alerts


  • Libre
  • Web

Google Alerts is a free service offered by Google that enables users to receive notifications about topics of interest that are relevant to them. With Google Alerts, users can monitor the web for topics such as their brand name, competitors, or industry news. They can also create alerts for new books, research topics, or even breaking news stories. When users create an alert, they can select the type of content they want to be alerted to, such as news articles, blog posts, webpages, videos, or books. They can also choose the frequency of the alerts, the language, and the region. The alerts are sent via email, and users can also customize their alerts to be sent to an RSS reader or their mobile device. Google Alerts is an invaluable tool for those who want to stay up-to-date on topics of interest and for businesses that want to monitor their brand’s online presence. It is an easy and free way to keep track of the latest news and trends in the industry.

News and Books
