GNU sed


  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • BSD
  • Cygwin
  • Haiku

GNU sed, also known as sed, is a Unix text editor and stream editor. It is used to filter text, manipulate words and lines, and perform other text transformation operations. It is a non-interactive command-line tool that reads data from standard input and writes data to standard output. Sed can be used to read and write files, for example, to search for a particular string and replace it with another string. Sed can also be used to perform complex text manipulation tasks such as search and replace, sorting, formatting, and reformatting text, and deleting unwanted text. Sed can be used to quickly transform text from one format to another, or to perform text processing tasks such as finding and replacing patterns. Sed is a powerful tool for text processing, and is particularly useful for manipulating data in text files.

Development software and applications
