

  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux

Gnaural is an open-source, multi-platform programmable auditory binaural-beat synthesizer, implementing the principle of binaural beats to create a desired brain-state. It has a graphical user interface and a scripting language that allows users to create their own audio-visual environments. It can be used to create stimulating background music and soundscapes, to induce relaxation, and to explore hypnosis, lucid dreaming, and other altered states of consciousness. The program can also be used for relaxation, meditation, focus, and concentration. It can be installed as an app for Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. Gnaural provides various options for customizing the audio and visuals, and it can be used with headphones or speakers.

Audio and music applications CD/DVD authoring software and applications Sports and health applications
