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Glosbe is a free multilingual online dictionary and translation platform. It provides access to millions of words and phrases in hundreds of languages. It is a collaborative platform where users can contribute translations and help improve existing translations. Glosbe offers a wide range of features to help users learn and translate words and phrases. It has an easy to use search function, which allows users to search for words and phrases in any language. It also has an audio feature, which allows users to hear the words and phrases they are looking for. Additionally, it includes a language learning tool, which helps users to learn new words and phrases. Glosbe also provides an online forum for users to communicate with each other and discuss various language related topics. Additionally, it has an API that allows developers to integrate its services into their own applications. Overall, Glosbe is an effective and user-friendly language learning and translation platform. It is a great resource for language learners, developers, and linguists.

Education and reference applications
