

  • Libre
  • Linux

Giver is an online file sharing application and software that allows users to securely share large files quickly and easily. It is designed to make it easy for users to send and receive large files securely, even if they don't have a Giver account. Giver works with all major browsers, allowing users to share files of any type and size without having to worry about security or privacy. Giver offers several features to make the file sharing process easy, secure, and efficient. For example, Giver's security features ensure that shared files are encrypted both at rest and in transit, and Giver also makes it easy to control access to files by setting expiration dates and password protection. Additionally, Giver also offers an intuitive user interface, making it easy for users to send and receive files quickly and easily. Finally, Giver also offers a number of integrations, allowing users to easily integrate the platform with existing applications and services.

File sharing applications and software Network and administration applications
