

  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Self-Hosted

Git-IPFS-Rehost is a software and application development tool that allows developers to quickly and easily deploy and host their software and applications on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a distributed, peer-to-peer storage network. It provides a seamless way for developers to store, version, and manage their code and projects without the need for a centralized server or third-party hosting service. Git-IPFS-Rehost provides a single platform for developers to interact with the IPFS network, simplifying the process of getting their code and applications online. This allows developers to quickly and easily deploy and manage their projects, while providing a secure and reliable way to store their code and applications. With Git-IPFS-Rehost, developers can also access their code and applications from any IPFS-enabled device, making it easier than ever to share and collaborate on projects.

Development software and applications
