

  • Libre
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  • Windows
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GGobi is an interactive statistical data visualization and exploration tool developed by the Computational Research Division of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. It is designed to facilitate the exploration of large, complex data sets, with the ultimate goal of helping users to gain insight into their data. GGobi provides a variety of visualizations and interactive data exploration techniques, all within a single integrated environment. It allows users to explore multivariate data sets, identify interesting patterns and trends, and gain insights into the data. GGobi enables users to identify relationships between different variables and explore the data from various perspectives. Additionally, GGobi can be used to create high-quality data visualizations, such as scatterplots, density plots, and parallel coordinates plots. GGobi is designed to be a user-friendly, intuitive tool that is accessible to users at all levels of experience. It is also designed to be an extensible, open-source platform; users can extend and customize GGobi to fit their exact needs. GGobi is available for free for both Windows and Mac OS X.

