Get My Keys Back is an app (or website) that helps you find and track your lost keys using GPS technology. It uses Bluetooth-enabled tags to attach to your keys so that you can locate them if they get lost. The app also allows you to set up alerts when your keys are moved or misplaced. It includes an interactive map that helps you locate your keys and an optional distance indicator that shows you how far away your keys are. It also has a feature that allows you to share your location with friends and family if you are having difficulty finding your keys. Additionally, the app provides a secure cloud storage system for your keys, so you can access them from any device.
Discontinued discontinued
Discontinued The last update was released on February 28, 2011.
Warning VirusTotal has reported two positive aspects for the software: https: //
Discontinued Site is not available, but you can download Simple Key from
By em4020 · Oct 2015
SterJo KeyFinder 1.7 claramente mejor que GetMyKeysBack 2.0Comparison GetMyKeysBack 2.0 con SterJo KeyFinder 1.7GetMyKeysBack 2.0 informó una clave de producto incorrecta para MS Office 2010, SterJo KeyFinder 1.7 informó la clave de producto correcta para MS Office 2010GetMyKeysBack 2.0 no puede exportar todas las claves en un archivo de texto SterJo KeyFinder 1.7 can.GetMyKeysBack 2.0 no puede encontrar otras claves que no sean del software de Microsoft, SterJo KeyFinder 1.7 can.Todo el software y los juegos compatibles para recuperar la clave perdida: http: //
Warning Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder is bundled with adware, so be sure to uncheck the software offers during installation.