Gazelle Point-of-Sale



Gazelle Point-of-Sale (POS) is a web-based application designed specifically to help small and medium businesses manage their operations. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools to help businesses manage their inventory, customer relationships, sales, and financials. The app allows businesses to manage their inventory, track sales, and process payments. It provides real-time insights into customer data and orders, as well as allowing businesses to easily integrate with existing accounting and payment services. The app also offers a range of customization options, allowing businesses to tailor the user experience to their individual needs. It can be used on multiple devices, and can be integrated with a range of external services and applications. Finally, Gazelle POS provides a range of reporting and analytics tools, allowing businesses to gain insights into their operations and customer behavior. This helps businesses make informed decisions about their operations and manage their finances more effectively.

Business and enterprise applications Development software and applications
