Full Page Screen Capture is a software application or website that allows users to capture a full page screenshot of any website. This can be useful for taking a single image of an entire web page, including all the visible content, without having to scroll or manually copy and paste each section. The output image is usually in either a JPG, PNG, or PDF file format, allowing for easy sharing and printing. The application or website also typically offers options for customizing the output file, such as setting the quality, size, and dimensions. Additionally, some Full Page Screen Capture applications also offer features such as image editing and annotation, making it easier to quickly make adjustments to the screenshot before outputting it.
Discontinued Last commitment on May 5, 2013. See https://github.com/gildas-lormeau/Scrapbook-for-SingleFile
Discontinued The file was last updated in 2014. See https://sourceforge.net/projects/hotshots/files/