FreeSnap is a free, open-source utility for Windows 10 that allows you to quickly and easily take screenshots on your computer. It's designed to be easy to use, allowing you to quickly capture images of your screen, applications, and webpages with a few clicks. The app also allows you to quickly and easily annotate and share your screenshots with others, making it an ideal tool for quickly capturing and sharing images with colleagues and friends. FreeSnap also includes several useful features, such as the ability to capture screenshots of a specific area of the screen, the ability to capture multiple screenshots at once, and the ability to add custom text to your screenshots. Finally, FreeSnap also includes a built-in editor that allows you to quickly and easily edit your screenshots before sharing them.
Discontinued Last updated: "AutoSizer 1.71 (December 3, 2008)". See release date:
Discontinued Latest version is 2007
Discontinued Production is said to have stopped automatically.
Discontinued No updates since "V 2.38.04 (2011-06-10)". See
Discontinued It was discontinued at the launch of Windows 7 (2009).
Discontinued Last updated on 2011-Oct-30