Forex Hero


  • Freemium
  • Android
  • iPhone
  • Android Tablet
  • iPad

Forex Hero is an online interactive trading platform designed to teach both beginner and experienced traders the basics of forex trading. It is a comprehensive and interactive trading tool that includes a variety of features to help users become more knowledgeable and successful forex traders. The core features of Forex Hero include a forex trading simulator, real-time market data, market analysis tools, educational materials, and a community section for users to discuss trading topics. The simulator allows users to practice their trading skills with virtual currency, and the real-time market data helps users keep up with the latest market movements. The analysis tools help users identify trading opportunities and make the best decisions, while the educational materials provide users with the necessary knowledge to develop their trading strategies. Lastly, the community section allows users to connect with other traders and share their experiences, strategies, and successes.

Business and enterprise applications Education and reference applications Games
