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FictionPress is an online platform for readers and writers of all genres. It allows users to read, write, and share short stories, novels, and other forms of fiction. The app and website provide a platform for authors to showcase their works, and for readers to find stories that interest them. FictionPress provides a wide variety of features to make the user experience enjoyable. Authors can upload their work and customize the cover page with a cover image and a synopsis of their work. Readers can leave reviews and comments on stories they like, and follow authors they are interested in. The app also allows readers to create bookmarks, so they can easily find stories they have read before. FictionPress also provides a forum for authors and readers to interact and discuss topics related to writing and reading. Authors can ask for advice and feedback on their works, and readers can ask questions about the stories they read. The forum also provides a platform for authors to promote their works and build their readership. FictionPress is a great platform for readers and writers alike. With its wide variety of features and its user-friendly interface, it is a great way to share stories and find stories that interest you.

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