EmailOctopus is an email marketing platform designed to help businesses, organizations, and individuals create and manage email campaigns. It provides users with the tools they need to create engaging emails, track and analyze campaign performance, and manage their contact lists. It includes features such as drag-and-drop email creation, personalized emails, email automation, analytics, A/B testing, and more. With EmailOctopus, users can also manage their contact lists and segment their contacts into different groups. Additionally, EmailOctopus integrates with other popular online services such as WordPress and Zapier, making it easy to integrate with existing systems.
By fraskmom · Apr 2018
EmailOctopus es un programa robusto de marketing por correo electrónico a un precio asequible. Es la solución perfecta para cualquier persona que quiera una manera fantástica de llegar a su lista de correo electrónico. También se integra con Zapier, lo que ayuda enormemente a mi negocio. ¡Recomiendo encarecidamente EmailOctopus a cualquier persona que quiera comercializar por correo electrónico de manera efectiva por una excelente tarifa mensual baja!
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