Edufar School Management Software


  • Freemium
  • Web
  • Self-Hosted

Edufar School Management Software is a comprehensive, cloud-based platform that enables school administrators, teachers, and parents to efficiently manage the day-to-day operations of a school. It is designed to provide an intuitive and easy-to-use interface for all stakeholders to quickly access the school’s data and resources. The software allows school administrators to manage student information, track attendance, keep class and student records, create courses and schedules, as well as track grades and test scores. It also provides teachers with tools to assign work, manage grades, and communicate with students and parents. Edufar School Management Software also allows parents to easily view their child’s academic progress, and the school’s overall performance. It enables them to track their children’s attendance, attendance policies, and fee payments. The app also provides them with notifications when their children are absent, and allows them to receive important school-related updates. Edufar School Management Software is designed to make school management more efficient and streamlined. It is secure and reliable, and provides an easy-to-use, comprehensive solution for school administrators, teachers, and parents.

