Eclipse Che


  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Self-Hosted

Eclipse Che is an open source development environment platform built for teams to collaboratively develop and deploy cloud-native applications. It is a cloud-native, extensible platform for teams to build, run, and share code. It provides a workspace server, cloud IDE, plug-in architecture, and container-based runtime for developers to create, test, and deploy applications quickly and easily. It is a cloud-native alternative to a traditional integrated development environment (IDE). Eclipse Che helps developers reduce time to market, increase productivity, and collaborate more effectively. It offers a range of features such as a built-in terminal, an integrated debugger, a graphical web-based editor, and an API for customizing the workspace. It also enables developers to spin up a workspace in seconds and deploy it to any cloud platform with a single command. Eclipse Che also comes with a version control system, so developers can keep track of changes and collaborate more effectively.

Development software and applications
