Dojo Toolkit


  • Libre
  • Web

Dojo Toolkit is an open source JavaScript library for developing web applications. It provides a set of utilities and components for creating robust and user-friendly interfaces with minimal development effort. Dojo Toolkit has a wide range of built-in features and tools such as layout tools, widgets, effects, and an optimized server-side and client-side library. It also includes a large collection of user interface components, including a calendar, drag-and-drop support, AJAX support, data grids, and other user interface elements. Dojo Toolkit also includes an optimization engine, a debugging framework, and a set of tools for creating internationalized web applications. Dojo Toolkit is mainly used for creating rich Internet applications (RIA) as well as mobile web applications. It is also used in the development of cross-platform web applications, and is a popular choice for developing web-based solutions for enterprise applications.

Development software and applications
