DNASTAR Lasergene


  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux

DNASTAR Lasergene is a suite of molecular biology software used for analyzing and manipulating DNA, RNA, and protein sequences. It is designed to be used by a wide range of researchers, from beginners to advanced users. The software includes many features such as sequence alignment, database searching, phylogenetic tree building, and gene finding. It also offers a wide range of analysis tools and visualization options. DNASTAR Lasergene can be used to analyze DNA, RNA and protein sequences from bacterial, viral, eukaryotic and transgenic sources. It also includes tools to predict the function of unknown genes and to detect sequence similarities between organisms. The software can be used to identify gene families, to study gene regulation, and to predict the structure and function of proteins. DNASTAR Lasergene is available as a desktop application and as a web-based platform.

