

  • Libre
  • Linux

DHTFS (Distributed Hash Table File System) is a decentralized file system designed to offer high performance, scalability, and availability. It is based on the concept of a distributed hash table (DHT) which is a type of routing protocol that allows nodes on a network to dynamically join and leave without affecting the overall operation of the network. DHTFS is designed to provide a highly reliable and efficient storage solution for businesses, organizations, and individuals. It utilizes a distributed hash table-based file system to ensure that data is stored in multiple nodes in the network, providing redundancy and reliability. The system also includes features such as distributed encryption, snapshotting, replication, and storage quotas. It also provides access control, so users can easily manage the security of their files. DHTFS is an ideal solution for applications such as large-scale storage, distributed databases, and distributed applications.

OS and utilities
