CVS (Concurrent Versions System)


  • Libre
  • Mac
  • Windows
  • Linux

CVS (Concurrent Versions System) is a version control system software that helps developers manage, track and maintain different versions of a file or set of files over time. It allows developers to work on the same files simultaneously, while keeping track of changes made by each individual. CVS allows developers to access the same files from multiple locations, giving them the ability to update the files quickly and efficiently. CVS also provides a secure way for developers to store their source code, track changes, and keep a history of versions of the file. CVS helps developers keep their projects organized, as it allows them to easily access, edit, and manage files from any location. It also provides an easy way to back up and restore files. Finally, CVS allows developers to share their work with other developers, allowing them to collaborate more effectively.

Development software and applications
