Inquire by Tamper


  • Libre
  • iPhone
  • iPad

Inquire by Tamper is an education and reference application designed to help students, teachers, and parents explore and learn more about topics they are curious about. It covers a wide range of topics, from history and science to entertainment and sports. The app is designed with four main sections: browse, search, explore, and save. Browse allows users to quickly find topics related to their interests. Search lets users search for specific topics. Explore gives users the ability to discover related topics and learn more about them. Finally, Save gives users the ability to save topics for future reference. Inquire by Tamper also includes fun videos, quizzes, and polls to help users stay engaged and learn more about their topics. The app also includes a discussion forum to allow users to ask questions and interact with other users. Inquire by Tamper is a great way to explore and learn more about topics that interest you. It is easy to use and provides an engaging and interactive learning experience.

Education and reference applications
