Cryogenic FileSplitter is a powerful and user-friendly file management application that enables users to split large files into smaller chunks, or vice versa. It can be used for a variety of purposes, such as distributing large files over the Internet, creating multiple copies of a single file, or archiving large files for future use. The application is designed to be simple and user-friendly, making it an ideal tool for inexperienced users. Cryogenic FileSplitter allows users to split files of any size and any type, including text files, video files, audio files, and documents. Users can specify the size of each file chunk, as well as the destination folder. The application also supports the ability to combine multiple file chunks into a single file. It also features a drag-and-drop interface to make it easy to work with large files. The application also includes built-in support for encryption, allowing users to securely split and combine files.
Discontinued Last updated on November 11, 2010, see