

  • Libre
  • Windows

Crucible is an online collaborative review platform that helps teams improve the quality of their code, accelerate development, and reduce costs. It enables developers to review and comment on code, track changes, and collaborate on improvements. Crucible's features include: • Code review: Allows teams to review and comment on code, track changes, and collaborate on improvements. • Issue tracking: Allows teams to track and manage issues, including bug fixes, feature requests, and support tickets. • Version control: Provides a platform for managing the version control of code, including the ability to track changes and roll back to a previous version. • Automation: Automates the process of reviewing and approving code, saving time and reducing costs. • Security: Uses advanced encryption technology to ensure code is secure, and provides auditing and logging capabilities to monitor activity. • Integrations: Comes with integrations to popular development tools and services, allowing teams to quickly review and approve changes.

