Create Synchronicity


  • Libre
  • Windows

Create Synchronicity is a free, open source, cross-platform application for backing up and synchronizing files and folders. It is designed to be easy to use, lightweight, and resource-efficient, yet powerful enough to handle complex sync operations. It is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, and can be used to backup, synchronize, and share files and folders across multiple devices and platforms. Create Synchronicity is able to detect any changes made to files and folders, and automatically synchronize them between two or more locations. It supports synchronization of local and remote files, as well as FTP and SFTP servers. It also includes powerful features like custom filters, support for regular expressions, and advanced scheduling options. It also includes a command-line interface for advanced users who need more control over the synchronization process. The user interface of Create Synchronicity is intuitive and easy to use. It includes a step-by-step wizard to guide users through the setup process. It also includes an advanced mode for experienced users who want more control over the synchronization process. Additionally, it includes an option to encrypt backups and transfers with a password. Create Synchronicity is an excellent choice for users who need a reliable way to backup and synchronize their files and folders. It is free, open source, and available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Backup and sync applications File management applications and software
