Contus Vplay


  • Libre
  • Android
  • iPhone

Contus Vplay is an online video streaming solution that enables businesses to create, manage, distribute, and monetize their video content to their customers or viewers. It is an all-in-one platform that helps businesses to take control of their video content, from hosting and streaming, to monetization and exploring new revenue opportunities. Contus Vplay offers businesses a wide range of features to help them deliver high-quality video content to their customers. It provides an intuitive dashboard for content owners to upload, manage and stream videos, and offers a range of monetization options such as pay-per-view, subscription and advertising. The platform also includes a powerful media player with a range of features such as analytics, DRM support and adaptive bitrate streaming. Contus Vplay is available as a web-based application as well as a mobile application, giving users the flexibility to access their content on any device. It also provides integrations with popular social media platforms and advanced analytics to help businesses understand their audience and optimize their monetization.

