Comodo Time Machine (CTM) is a free and easy-to-use application that allows users to take snapshots of their system and roll-back to a previous point in time. It enables users to make changes to their system without worrying about making a mistake or damaging their computer. CTM works by taking snapshots of a user's system at regular intervals and then storing them in a special folder. This means that if the user ever experiences a problem with their system, they can easily roll-back to a previous point in time and restore the system to a working state. CTM also provides options to create manual snapshots, as well as to schedule automatic system snapshots. In addition, users can create multiple restore points, so they can always choose the most suitable one for their needs. Comodo Time Machine also includes a 'System Restore' feature which allows users to undo any changes made to the system in the last 24 hours. This is a great way to prevent unwanted changes from being made to the system, and to undo any mistakes that may have been made. Overall, Comodo Time Machine is a great application for users who want to protect their system and ensure that any changes they make are reversible.
Comodo Time Machine is based on the RollBack Rx code
Comodo Time Machine is based on the previous RollBack Rx code.
I used CTM for years, but when it was discontinued, I went to disk imaging, discovered that RollBack recently is the same program and works exactly as CTM worked today (albeit with some additional features).
Made by the developers themselves. CTM is discontinued. Rollback Rx is the replacement
Discontinued The program is no longer updated. The latest version,, released in December 2013, can still be downloaded from the official website.
Discontinued The product seems to be no longer updated. The latest version, 1.2.8, released in March 2009, can still be downloaded from the official website.
Discontinued It looks like this is no longer being worked on. You can get it at but all links to their site, from here and CNET are broken. The site 404, but has been archived by the Wayback Machine:
Discontinued CascadePoint has been discontinued. You can download the free but unsupported final version from the author's website.
By ArchitectInTraining · Dec 2016
Cita del sitio web: "Comodo Time Machine fue inicialmente una marca OEM de Horizon DataSys 'RollBack Rx versión 8. Una versión muy mejorada de RollBack Rx está realmente disponible en la actualidad y se ha actualizado para que sea compatible con Windows 7 y Windows 8 y con varios discos duros. De hecho, Rollback v10.x fue el punto de inflexión desde el cual se tuvo que volver a escribir la tecnología central de RollBack Rx y Comodo Time Machine para admitir los discos duros más grandes de hoy en día y el BIOS UEFI. Dado que Comodo Time Machine era un cambio de marca y era el código base de RollBack Rx, Comodo Time Machine no podía actualizarse a menos que adquiriera el último código del equipo de desarrollo de Horizon DataSys. Desafortunadamente, debido a disputas legales, Horizon DataSys ya no trata con Comodo y, por lo tanto, no existe una relación de desarrollo entre Horizon DataSys para construir aún más la Máquina de Tiempo de Comodo ".
By lebaux · Mar 2013
La aplicación no se está desarrollando tan rápido como debería, pero los funcionarios de Comodo dijeron en muchas amenazas en los foros que la aplicación no está muerta. Puedo confirmar que está funcionando para winXP / win7 (no estoy seguro acerca de 8); a pesar de que no se ha actualizado durante más de un año. Esta aplicación no tiene ninguna alternativa gratuita y está funcionando, por lo que la desmarco como "descontinuada".
Comodo Time Machine was an original rebranding of RollBack Rx before it was discontinued.