Ciphermail for Android


  • Libre
  • Android
  • S/MIME

Ciphermail for Android is a secure, open-source email encryption application for Android devices. It was designed with the goal of providing users with the highest level of security, privacy, and convenience. Ciphermail for Android utilizes advanced encryption algorithms, such as ECDSA, RSA, and AES, to ensure that your emails are encrypted, and secure from prying eyes. It also provides users with the ability to digitally sign their emails, and verify that the sender is who they say they are. Additionally, Ciphermail for Android allows users to easily and safely share encrypted emails with other users. This can be done with a single click, without having to manually exchange encryption keys. Ciphermail for Android also includes an intuitive user interface that allows users to easily set up and manage their email accounts. It also includes a secure messaging feature, which allows users to send messages that are encrypted and can only be viewed by the intended recipient. Finally, Ciphermail for Android also provides users with the ability to securely backup and restore their emails, allowing them to easily transfer their emails from one device to another.

Security and privacy applications
