

  • Freemium
  • Mac

ChronoSync is a powerful and versatile backup and sync application for Mac and iOS. It provides users with the ability to easily synchronize and backup data between computers, servers, external drives, and cloud services. With ChronoSync, users can quickly and easily backup their data, synchronize files between multiple computers, and securely store files in the cloud. It also provides a way to automate backups and sync operations, so users can keep their data safe and up to date without having to manually perform backups and syncs. ChronoSync also provides a number of advanced features, such as scheduling backups and syncs, setting up multiple user accounts, setting up rules to automate backups, and managing data security. ChronoSync is a great solution for those who need a reliable, easy-to-use backup and sync application.

Backup and sync applications File management applications and software
