Captain Chords


  • Libre
  • Mac

Captain Chords is an audio and music application designed to make songwriting and producing easier and more intuitive. It is a plugin that runs within the popular DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations) such as Ableton Live, Logic Pro X, FL Studio and Studio One. The plugin provides users with a comprehensive set of tools to compose, arrange, and produce their music. Captain Chords allows users to easily create chord progressions and melodies with a few clicks. It includes a large library of chords and scales, as well as customizable features such as tempo, key, and various effects. Users can also input their own chords and create a custom sound. Additionally, Captain Chords provides users with an intuitive interface, with a piano roll, sample library and drag-and-drop functions. Furthermore, Captain Chords also syncs with other plugins such as Captain Melody and Captain Deep, creating a complete songwriting and production suite. This makes it possible for users to quickly create full tracks without having to switch between multiple plugins. All in all, Captain Chords is an incredibly flexible and powerful tool for songwriters and producers.

Audio and music applications
