Bunnies and Wolves


  • Libre
  • Web

Bunnies and Wolves is a turn-based strategy game. In the game, players take on the role of either a bunny or a wolf and must compete against one another to take control of the game board. The game board consists of a 5x5 grid and each player starts with 5 pieces, either bunnies or wolves, depending on which side they chose. The goal of the game is to capture all of the opponent's pieces. The game is played in turns. On a player's turn, they can either move one of their pieces one space or attack an adjacent opponent's piece. If a player attacks an opponent's piece, then the piece that was attacked is removed from the game. The game ends when one player captures all of their opponent's pieces. Bunnies and Wolves is a fun and challenging game that encourages strategic thinking and quick decision making. The game is suitable for all ages and can be played both online and in person.

