Braina is an artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) application designed to help businesses improve their workflow, automate processes, and optimize operations. Braina's core technology is based on language processing algorithms that enable it to understand natural language spoken or written by humans. Additionally, Braina's AI capabilities can help businesses automate mundane tasks, such as responding to emails, scheduling meetings, and providing customer support. The app also offers a range of integrations with third-party applications, allowing users to access data from multiple sources and use it to make informed decisions. Braina can also be used to create custom applications, allowing businesses to build their own AI-driven solutions. Braina provides an intuitive user interface, which makes it easy for users to create and manage their applications.
Discontinued Amazon discontinued the Evi assistant, integrating its features into Alexa.
Discontinued The last commitment to the GitHub repository was made on July 7, 2017.
By marikafragen · Feb 2019
La versión gratuita no permite dictado. No hay una prueba gratuita para probar la capacidad de Braina con el dictado. Y no hay garantía de que funcionará, ni ningún reembolso ofrecido si no lo hace. De sus "Términos:" Todas las compras son definitivas y no reembolsables. Además, los "Términos" de Braina indican explícitamente que pueden anunciar productos de terceros usando su ancho de banda. Además, requiere una conexión a Internet para funcionar (como se indica en los Términos ). Utiliza software de terceros para realizar la conversión de voz a texto, por lo que Braina es, en esencia, un software de intermediarios.
Discontinued Discontinued Due to Play Store listing notice: