Boomerang decompiler


  • Libre
  • Windows

Boomerang decompiler is a software application designed to reverse engineer compiled computer code. It can be used to recover source code from binaries or to evaluate and analyze existing code. It is designed to be an automated, user-friendly tool that can be used to analyze compiled code to recover the original source code, detect and remove malicious code, and even debug code. Boomerang is capable of decompiling a wide range of binary file formats, such as Windows PE files, Mac OS X Mach-O, ELF, and Linux a.out. The decompiler can also extract strings and symbols from the binary, allowing for easier analysis. Boomerang supports a wide range of architectures, including x86, x64, ARM, and MIPS. The decompiler is also capable of generating a control flow graph from the disassembled code, which can be used to analyze the code, identify potential bugs and security exploits, and understand the program’s logic.

Development software and applications
