Bamboo Continuous Integration


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Bamboo Continuous Integration is a cloud-based continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) software platform for teams to build, test, and deploy software applications. It is designed to help teams collaborate, automate, and quickly deliver software builds. It integrates with popular version control systems such as Git, Bitbucket, and Subversion, as well as popular continuous integration tools such as Jenkins, Maven, and Ant. Bamboo Continuous Integration enables users to configure automated builds, test and deployment processes with its intuitive web-based UI. It offers features such as version control integration, build result visualization, and automated notifications. It also offers an API that can be used to monitor builds, trigger jobs, and access build artifacts. Bamboo Continuous Integration also supports running Selenium tests and other popular testing frameworks. Additionally, it includes a powerful REST API for custom integrations.

Development software and applications
