Auto powerOn and shutdown


  • Libre
  • Windows

Auto powerOn and shutdown is a software application that helps users to automatically power on or shut down their computers, servers, or websites at a specified time. It is designed to help users automate and optimize their computers, servers, and websites for maximum performance and energy efficiency. The application works by setting up a schedule for when the computer or server should be powered on or shut down. The user can customize the schedule according to their needs and preferences. Additionally, the app can be set to run automatically in the background, allowing users to set it and forget it. The application can also be used to shut down unresponsive applications, such as those that freeze up or crash unexpectedly. This helps to prevent data loss and other problems caused by unresponsive applications. Auto powerOn and shutdown is a great way to save energy, optimize performance, and ensure the safety of data stored on computers, servers, and websites.

