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Anycast is a type of network routing protocol that allows data to be sent to multiple destinations simultaneously. It is designed to help reduce latency and traffic congestion by allowing multiple destinations to receive the same data simultaneously. Anycast can be used for both intra- and inter-domain routing. It is well suited for applications such as streaming media, IP telephony, and distributed file systems. Anycast is based on the Distance Vector Multicast Protocol (DVMP) and is a modified version of the conventional unicast routing protocols. It is also different from any other routing protocol because it does not require any specific control plane protocols. Instead, it uses a distributed and decentralized approach for routing. Anycast is used in a variety of applications, including content delivery networks, distributed databases, and streaming media services. It is also used in network load balancing, network address translation, and distributed file systems.

Network and administration applications Online services software and applications
