Moho (Anime Studio) is a powerful, intuitive, and user-friendly animation program that allows users to create high-quality 2D animations for television, web, games and other media. The app offers a variety of features, including automatic lip-syncing, vector-based drawing tools, integrated motion tracking, and a powerful timeline-based animation engine. It also offers a wide range of tools and features for creating dynamic and professional-looking animations, including a library of ready-made characters, props, and backgrounds. Additionally, Moho (Anime Studio) includes tutorials and a thriving user community with resources, sample projects, and answers to frequently asked questions.
It is not the same type of animation software as Moho. It's supposed to be a much easier alternative to Blender3D and Maya. I have no idea what it's doing here.
Discontinued The project is no longer being developed. The latest version, 0.4.2, released in 2012, can still be downloaded from Launchpad.
Discontinued The project is no longer being developed. The latest version, 1.6.3, released in November 2012, can still be downloaded from Google Code Archive.
The discontinued developer deleted his reddit account and did not update since 2014. Visit
By jamesmichaelnichols · Mar 2014
Anime Studio utiliza un sistema único de aparejo de huesos inteligente para crear un esqueleto de personaje y luego moverlo sin esfuerzo sobre la línea de tiempo. Esta es una ventaja fenomenal y realmente ayuda a acelerar mi flujo de trabajo. Con Anime Studio, un proceso que puede tomar semanas, solo toma horas, ¡o incluso minutos!
Discontinued Project updated here: